Saturday, October 26, 2013

"The first step towards getting somewhere is to
decide that you are not going to stay where you are." 
- Unknown"

I ran across this quote this morning and it struck a cord. My life is good, really good. I have family, friends, an amazing husband, a home, a career, more interests than I can keep up with, the list could go on and on. The thing is everything changes and if you don't keep up you get left behind. This picture is a perfect example. We had our first hard freeze this week.  The greens are changing to yellows, golds, browns and reds. The porch railing is gone and replaced with black iron. When spring comes I will be painting all our trim red. Last night we photographed twin girls who have changed in the last year from fitting in a bread bowl to running around the studio exploring everything. This past week too many friends have said final goodbyes. Life begins and life ends. 
Three years ago we started making changes to the way we eat toward more whole foods and less meat and processed foods. We feel better and lab reports show positive changes. Twelve days ago we took the next step  by eliminating foods my hubby is sensitive too. Already he is feeling better. Along with our eating habits I knew I needed to make some changes in my activity level.  Planned exercise is hit and miss at best. I love working in my yard, walking, hauling wood,  and other actual physical labors but they don't happen often enough. This summer I was chalk drawing on the driveway with a granddaughter. After quite some time sprawled on the concrete it was time to get up and admire our creations. I actually had to think about how to get myself up off the ground. It no longer came as second nature. My body wasn't responding the way I wanted it to.  I spent last Saturday morning watching thousands of people, young and old, fit and working on fitness run in a marathon. I felt very, I don't even know the name of what I felt.  It comes down to, what am i doing standing on the sidelines? I don't know that I want to run a marathon but why am I not taking better care of my body. I am feeding it better, I challenge my brain to keep it active but my muscles and bones feel ignored. This week I started moving forward  because I am not satisfied with where I am. They are baby steps and I know me, I will fall a few times but the object is to keep moving forward. Change is inevitable and I am the only one who can push the changes the direction I want them to go.               

1 comment:

Cathie said...

WOW - we are kindred spirits!
This is almost exactly what I am going through.
Wish we lived close so we could go for a nice
long hike somewhere beautiful.
I would love that.
Keep going forward. Sounds like you are
on the right path.