The weather was perfect all day long. Not too hot, not too cool, a very gentle breeze and productive. Late in the evening we were enjoying the end of the day on the deck and I got up from knitting to check the roses. This is who I found visiting my rose bush. Isn't she beautiful. I don't know that she captured her supper but she had the tip of the rose wrapped in a web. She had no objections to having her picture taken. Yes, I asked. I have this habit of talking to nature. Flowers, bugs, weeds... Thank goodness they don't talk back. I thought is was interesting that the browned tip of the rose is the same brown as she is. Coincidence? If the red/green/brown color combination works in nature it may inspire a future project.

Good friends, good food and a beautiful morning. We found a wonderful little cafe in Burlingame, Kansas that serves breakfast followed by an awesome bbq buffet. Wonderful people and amazing food. They love the biker groups and treated us like royalty.
Since we were already so close to Lawrence we rode on up to see the grand kids. It was a short visit as I had to be back for a meeting at church but a wonderful addition to the day.
I took this picture with a simple little point and shoot camera I carry in the car or on the bike. Obviously the date is wrong. It took me a while to figure out how to change the date and then remove it from stamping the photo. So much for simple.
Okay - this is wierd. Have you seen one of my recent posts of all the bikers at the cafe we went to in Rally in the Valley (Maggie Valley, NC?) two weekends ago? Too bad we don't live closer we could meet for coffee!! lol Hey - maybe we could each go 1/2 way and meet in (Hmmmm, what would be 1/2 way) southern Illinois??
P.S. - NO spider - is a cute spider.
PPS - I'll bet the grandkids think that it's pretty cool gramma and grandpa (although you don't look like a grandma!) ride a Harley!!
That's a pretty good photo of the spider! I've never seen a spider quite like that here in California. I tried taking a photo of a spider once, but it came out blurry. Partly because I was afraid to get too close, partly because my camera only has 3x optical zoom, partly because the spider was moving on its web.
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